adidas Mexicana

adidas Mexicana

adidas Mexicana
Another top model with yellow gold velour uppers. Developed as a training shoe for the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico.

1970’s catalogue

1970-1971, adidas catalogue in English

301 adidas Olympiade

A shoe in great demand and with good reason. Transparent sole grips well, especially on gymnasium floors. Extremely popular for handball and volleyball, as jogging shoe or just for leisure. Features oxhide uppers with new Achilles heel and ankle padding, foot-form tongue and arch support. White with black stripes.

1970-1971, adidas catalogue in English

(from the top) Gazelle, Mexicana, Olympiade, Italia

1971’s catalogue

1971, adidas catalogue in English

322 “Mexicana”

Another top model with yellow gold velour uppers. Very similar to the adidas Gazelle. Adjustable adidas arch support, new SOFTPROTECT “shoe horn” design for greater ease in putting on shoes more quickly.

1971, adidas catalogue in English

(left to right) Gazelle red, Gazelle blue, Mexicana, Italia

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